Veröffentlichungen und Konferenzbeiträge
Strandprofilentwicklung unter Sturmflutseegang - Methodik für großmaßstäbliche 2D-Experimente und Berechnungsansätze. Kurzversion der Dissertation, Mitteilungen aus dem Leichtweiß-Institut, Heft 154/2006, Technische Universität Braunschweig, S. 163 - 206.
(2006)Simulation of Beach Profile Evolution under Storm Surge Conditions in Large Wave Flumes. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, ASCE, September 2006, S. 2579 - 2590.
(2006)Strandprofilentwicklung unter Sturmflutseegang - Methodik für großmaßstäbliche 2D-Experimente und Berechnungsansätze. Dissertation, Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Mai 2004, 157 S.
(2004)Erfahrungen mit Sandvorspülungen in Europa. Tagungsband, 4. FZK-Kolloquium "Seegang, Küstenschutz und Offshorebauwerke", Hannover, März 2003, S. 51 - 55.
(2003)Application of Prototype Flume Tests for Beach Nourishment Assessment. Coastal Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 2, Elsevier, Dezember 2002, S. 137 - 177.
(2002)Characterization of Sediment Transport. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '01, Lund, ASCE, Juni 2001, S. 293 - 302.
(2001)Strandneigung und Küstenrückgang. Hansa - International Maritime Journal, 137. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, März 2000, Schiffahrts-Verlag Hansa, S. 68 - 71.
(2000)Short- and Long-Term Responses of Beach Fills Determined through EOF Analysis. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 6, November/Dezember 1999, ASCE, S. 285 - 293.
(1999)Profile Development under Storm Conditions as a Function of the Beach Slope. Proceedings International Conference Coastal Sediments '99, Long Island/New York, ASCE, Juni 1999, S. 2582 - 2596.
(1999)Experiments in the Large Wave Flume 1996/97 on Dune Stability with and without Structures. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.
(1999)Longterm Development of the Island of Sylt and Chronology of Human Interference at the Coast. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.
(1999)Short- and Long-Term Responses of Beach Fills Determined through EOF Analysis. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.
(1999)Effect of Beach Slope on Profile Evolution at Raised Water Levels. Hydralab '99, Workshop on Experimental Research and Synergy Effects with Mathematical Models, Hannover, Februar 1999, S. 59 - 68.
(1999)Experiments on Beach and Dune Stability in the Large Wave Flume 1996/97. MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Influence of Beach Slopes on Profile Development under Storm Conditions. MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Field Data for Numerical Modelling of Coastal Development. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Schematized Numerical Model for Calculating the Response of Beach Nourishment to Nearshore Waves. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Temporal and Spatial Scales of Beach Nourishment Response at the Island of Sylt, Germany. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Data Analysis and One-Line Model Application to the Island of Sylt. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)The Influence of Foreshore Slope on Storm Erosion Determined by Large Wave Tank Experiments. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.
(1998)Data Management and One-Line Model Application to the Island of Sylt. Abstracts MAST III - PACE 2nd Annual Workshop, London, Januar 1998.
(1998)On Beach Nourishment Design. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '97, Plymouth, ASCE, Juni 1997.
(1997)Large Wave Flume Experiments '96/97. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.
(1997)Preliminary Results of Large Wave Flume Experiments 1996/1997. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.
(1997)Documentation of Berm Beach Nourishment (Wenningstedt / Kampen on Sylt in 1985). Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.
(1997)Development of Underwater Beach Profile by Monochromatic and Random Waves. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Orlando, ASCE, September 1996, S. 3442 - 3452.
(1996)Simulation of Dune and Nourished Berm Erosion during Storm Surges. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '95, Danzig, ASCE, September 1995, S. 850 - 861.
(1995)Anwendungsorientierte Simulation von Dünen- und Aufspülprofilausräumungen bei Sturmfluten für die Westküste von Sylt. Statusseminar zum BMFT-Forschungsvorhaben "Optimierung des Küstenschutzes auf Sylt - Phase II", Husum, November 1994, S. 126 - 143.
(1994)Field and Prototype Measurements for Numerical Coastal Modelling. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '94, Barcelona, ASCE, Februar 1994, S. 129 - 142.
(1994)Numerical Modelling of Coastal Processes: Field and Prototype Data. Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Washington D.C., Juni 1993.