Veröffentlichungen und Konferenzbeiträge

Newe, J. (2006) Strandprofilentwicklung unter Sturmflutseegang - Methodik für großmaßstäbliche 2D-Experimente und Berechnungsansätze. Kurzversion der Dissertation, Mitteilungen aus dem Leichtweiß-Institut, Heft 154/2006, Technische Universität Braunschweig, S. 163 - 206.

Newe, J.; Oumeraci, H.; Kortenhaus, A. (2006) Simulation of Beach Profile Evolution under Storm Surge Conditions in Large Wave Flumes. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, ASCE, September 2006, S. 2579 - 2590.

Newe, J. (2004) Strandprofilentwicklung unter Sturmflutseegang - Methodik für großmaßstäbliche 2D-Experimente und Berechnungsansätze. Dissertation, Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Mai 2004, 157 S.

Newe, J.; Dette, H.H.; Hanson, H. (2003) Erfahrungen mit Sandvorspülungen in Europa. Tagungsband, 4. FZK-Kolloquium "Seegang, Küstenschutz und Offshorebauwerke", Hannover, März 2003, S. 51 - 55.

Dette, H.H.; Larson, M.; Murphy, J.; Newe, J.; Peters, K.; Reniers, A.; Steetzel, H. (2002) Application of Prototype Flume Tests for Beach Nourishment Assessment. Coastal Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 2, Elsevier, Dezember 2002, S. 137 - 177.

Peters, K.; Newe, J.; Oumeraci, H. (2001) Characterization of Sediment Transport. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '01, Lund, ASCE, Juni 2001, S. 293 - 302.

Newe, J.; Peters, K. (2000) Strandneigung und Küstenrückgang. Hansa - International Maritime Journal, 137. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, März 2000, Schiffahrts-Verlag Hansa, S. 68 - 71.

Larson, M.; Hanson, H.; Kraus, N.C.; Newe, J. (1999) Short- and Long-Term Responses of Beach Fills Determined through EOF Analysis. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 6, November/Dezember 1999, ASCE, S. 285 - 293.

Newe, J.; Peters, K.; Dette, H.H. (1999) Profile Development under Storm Conditions as a Function of the Beach Slope. Proceedings International Conference Coastal Sediments '99, Long Island/New York, ASCE, Juni 1999, S. 2582 - 2596.

Peters, K.; Newe, J. (1999) Experiments in the Large Wave Flume 1996/97 on Dune Stability with and without Structures. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.

Newe, J.; Dette, H.H. (1999) Longterm Development of the Island of Sylt and Chronology of Human Interference at the Coast. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.

Larson, M.; Hanson, H.; Kraus, N.C.; Newe, J. (1999) Short- and Long-Term Responses of Beach Fills Determined through EOF Analysis. MAST III - SAFE 3rd Annual Workshop, Venedig, März 1999.

Newe, J.; Peters, K.; Dette, H.H. (1999) Effect of Beach Slope on Profile Evolution at Raised Water Levels. Hydralab '99, Workshop on Experimental Research and Synergy Effects with Mathematical Models, Hannover, Februar 1999, S. 59 - 68.

Peters, K.; Newe, J. (1998) Experiments on Beach and Dune Stability in the Large Wave Flume 1996/97. MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Newe, J.; Peters, K. (1998) Influence of Beach Slopes on Profile Development under Storm Conditions. MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Newe, J. (1998) Field Data for Numerical Modelling of Coastal Development. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Larson, M.; Hanson, H.; Kraus, N.C.; Capobianco, M.; Newe, J; Dette, H.H. (1998) Schematized Numerical Model for Calculating the Response of Beach Nourishment to Nearshore Waves. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Larson, M.; Hanson, H.; Dette, H.H.; Newe, J. (1998) Temporal and Spatial Scales of Beach Nourishment Response at the Island of Sylt, Germany. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Hanson, H.; Newe, J.; Larson, M. (1998) Data Analysis and One-Line Model Application to the Island of Sylt. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Capobianco, M; Larson, M; Newe, J. (1998) The Influence of Foreshore Slope on Storm Erosion Determined by Large Wave Tank Experiments. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop, Westerland/Sylt, März 1998.

Hanson, H.; Newe, J.; Larson, M. (1998) Data Management and One-Line Model Application to the Island of Sylt. Abstracts MAST III - PACE 2nd Annual Workshop, London, Januar 1998.

Peters, K.; Newe, J.; Dette, H.H. (1997) On Beach Nourishment Design. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '97, Plymouth, ASCE, Juni 1997.

Peters, K.; Newe, J. (1997) Large Wave Flume Experiments '96/97. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.

Newe, J.; Peters, K. (1997) Preliminary Results of Large Wave Flume Experiments 1996/1997. Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.

Newe, J. (1997) Documentation of Berm Beach Nourishment (Wenningstedt / Kampen on Sylt in 1985). Abstracts MAST III - SAFE 1st Annual Workshop, Thessaloniki, März 1997.

Peters, K.; Newe, J.; Dette, H.H. (1996) Development of Underwater Beach Profile by Monochromatic and Random Waves. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Orlando, ASCE, September 1996, S. 3442 - 3452.

Newe, J.; Dette, H.H. (1995) Simulation of Dune and Nourished Berm Erosion during Storm Surges. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '95, Danzig, ASCE, September 1995, S. 850 - 861.

Newe, J. (1994) Anwendungsorientierte Simulation von Dünen- und Aufspülprofilausräumungen bei Sturmfluten für die Westküste von Sylt. Statusseminar zum BMFT-Forschungsvorhaben "Optimierung des Küstenschutzes auf Sylt - Phase II", Husum, November 1994, S. 126 - 143.

Dette, H.H.; Newe, J.; Wu, Y. (1994) Field and Prototype Measurements for Numerical Coastal Modelling. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '94, Barcelona, ASCE, Februar 1994, S. 129 - 142.

Dette, H.H.; Newe, J.; Wu, Y. (1993) Numerical Modelling of Coastal Processes: Field and Prototype Data. Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Washington D.C., Juni 1993.

Das Küstenwetter

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Stand: 15.02.2025 13:00 Uhr


Wind: SW 2


stark bewölkt
Wind: WSW 2

Westerland / Sylt

Wind: S 2


stark bewölkt
Wind: W 3


Wind: WNW 3


Wind: W 2


stark bewölkt
Wind: WNW 3

Ahlbeck / Usedom

Wind: WNW 2


etwas Schnee
Wind: N 1